Spirit of the Trees

by Pennie McCracken
Spirit of the Trees
Pennie McCracken
Digital Art - Photography / Digital Art / Photography Based Digital Painting
I love being outside when it's warm, feeling the sun or breeze on my face, smelling the flowers or the ocean depending on where I happen to be. However in the winter time, I am exactly the opposite, I hate being outside. I don't care for snow and choose to spend my time snuggled up indoors, preferably in my pyjamas.
It was being outside in the snow the other day which inspired this image. I was taking Lucy (my Saint Bernard) outside for her evening constitution and the wind was so biting I ducked under the branches of a big tree for shelter. I leaned against it's trunk while she was sniffing around looking for heaven know's what; and it reminded of how much I missed being immersed in and connected to nature.
Obviously I know what to do now when I need my nature fix.....but still, roll on Spring :).
This image was created specifically for a contest with the "Everything In Moderation Including Moderation" group.
December 13th, 2016
Comments (2)

I'ina Van Lawick
Lovely, Penny. I know the feeling of loving to be outside in nature. Hate being cooped up because of weather. Great textures in this image.
Pennie McCracken replied:
Thank you I'ina, the weather has been pretty warm here for February, never known it to be green at this time of year, so enjoying getting outdoors. I know we have more snow to come though!