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Dance with Passion Digital Art by Pennie McCracken

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Comments (33)

Antonis Meintanis

Antonis Meintanis

Wonderful Amazing artwork !!πŸ‘ favπŸ‘ŒBest and creative wishes !πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Svitozar Nenyuk

Svitozar Nenyuk

Amazing artwork! So beautiful! L/F

Spokenin RED

Spokenin RED

Woah. HOT!

Bob Christopher

Bob Christopher

Hi Pennie...I like your image. Well done in the contest and deserving of good standing...Cheers Bob fv

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you so much Bob, that is very kind of you to say :)

Christopher James

Christopher James

One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #4 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist. http://fineartamerica.com/groups/1000-views-on-1-image.html?showmessage=true&messageid=3172747

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you Christopher for letting me know, I have passed on the love :)

Lori Pittenger

Lori Pittenger

Fantastic digital work Pennie! Very passionate! Congrats on your special feature in 1000 Views group!

Pennie McCracken replied:

Many thanks Lori!

Marcia Lee Jones

Marcia Lee Jones

Well done!

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you Marcia :)

Christopher James

Christopher James

Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/p

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you Christopher :)

Kay Novy

Kay Novy

Wow! I really like this one, Pennie! Fabulous work...L.F.and will nominate it for SPECIAL FEATURE in 1000 Images group!

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you very much Kay.....that is very kind :)

Michael Durst

Michael Durst

Wow...what passion is right. Great capture and digital watercolor effect. Brilliant. f

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you very much Michael :)



Feel the passion. Wonderful capture their expression.

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you Janet :)

Mariola Bitner

Mariola Bitner

Congratulations on your outstanding artwork! It has been chosen to be FEATURED in the group “500 VIEWS.”

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you for the feature Mariola, it is appreciated.

John Fotheringham

John Fotheringham

It would take me all day to comment on all your fantastic work, so take it as a given that I like them all, well done.

Pennie McCracken replied:

Many thanks John, I appreciate your comment and I am a fan of your work too :)

Vale Tek

Vale Tek

Excellent ... good sense of motion! Like your style and vision! invite you to Join 'Dance Desire 3D's group - full customization fantasies beyond reality :) http://fineartamerica.com/groups/dance-desire-3d.html?tab=overview full customisztio fantasies beyong reality:)

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you Vale and I will definitely check the group out.

Rjf at beautifullart  RJ   Friedenthal

Rjf at beautifullart RJ Friedenthal

WOW!!! nice work!! love RjFxx.

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you very much Rjf.

Joseph Levine

Joseph Levine

Total admiration for your commitment to the facts concerning the heroic Cellist of Sarajevo, Pennie! Here too, in a parade example of Moving Photorealism, you've anchored consummately rendered romantic fantasy to real life--superb!!!

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you for your lovely comment Joseph. Your kind words are appreciated.

Olahs Photography

Olahs Photography

Intense, beautiful and filled with passion!!! This is so lovely!!!! F/L pin

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you for your lovely comment Olah :)

Bob Christopher

Bob Christopher

Hi Pennie...I like your painting. A very romantic and intense pair. Well done...Cheers Bob f/v

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you Bob :)

Mario Colasante

Mario Colasante

Complimenti bellissimo lavoro.

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you Mario, I appreciate your comment.

Dave Luebbert

Dave Luebbert

Passion is right, wow what a shot!

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thanks Dave :).

Michelle Meenawong

Michelle Meenawong

fabulous work voted

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you Michelle for your comment and vote, it is greatly appreciated.

Nikki Dalton

Nikki Dalton

Wonderful dance of passion and expression Pennie! Gorgeous work! FL

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you for your kind works Nikki, I appreciate your comment.

Deyanira Harris

Deyanira Harris

Very Nice Pennie!

Pennie McCracken replied:

Thank you Deyanira.

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Dance with Passion by Pennie McCracken
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